Spring Framework

Spring Framework course in India

Spring is the most popular open source Java application Framework. It supports Dependency Injection, Aspect Oriented Programming and support for unit testing. Spring increases the productivity of developers.

Spring Framework Professional course is designed to make you a Spring Framework expert. This course covers concepts, starting from Dependency Injection to integrating Hibernate with Spring.

Pre-requisites basic knowledge of Java and databases.

  • Spring Framework Architecture
  • Dependency Injection and Autowiring
  • Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
  • Data access
  • Integrating Hibernate with Spring
  • MVC
  • Integrating Apache tiles with Spring
  • Integrating Struts2 and JSF with Spring
  • Spring Web Flow
Project Work Towards the end of the course, you will focus on designing a CourseCalendar that provides a very optimal plan for scheduling courses. How to schedule a large number of courses in an optimal way while fulfilling a number of constraints, such as limited availability of lecturers, student's selections of the courses. CourseCalendar should be implemented as an interactive program that (i) Enables entering data, such as courses, the faculty members, the available facilities and some constraints related to the course scheduling (ii) Scheduling courses (iii) Makes it possible to manually update the proposed schedule, but keeping track of the consistent scheduling (iv) Provides a presentation of scheduled courses